Woman's Club of Cranbury
Woman's Club of Cranbury
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We award one High School Student Community Service Scholarship Award to a graduating high school senior who lives in Cranbury Township.
We award one Woman Student Scholarship Award. This scholarship reflects our club’s commitment to further education for a woman who is pursuing post-secondary education after having experienced a time away from attending school. This award is based on financial need as well as the applicant being able to define her goal in seeking further education. We are looking forward to having applicants that will value our commitment to further education.
We also offer a $100 Middle School Award to one girl and one boy, both selected by the faculty.
Founded in 1898, The Woman's Club of Cranbury was federated in 1922 with the New Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs, the largest volunteer women's service organization in the state. Through membership in the General Federation of Women's Clubs, the state chapter provides its local clubs with opportunities for leadership training, education and community service. The Woman's Club of Cranbury is one of twenty-nine clubs in the College District.
Members of the Woman's Club of Cranbury generally join one or more departments, which meet monthly. Current departments focus on activities related to:
And we have two focus groups that meet irregularly:
Stockings for Troops
Candidates’ Night
Community Easter Egg Hunt
Community Tree Lighting/Santa's Workshop With Girl Scouts
Skeet's Pantry
Beautify the town by planting, watering and decorating the Township barrels.
Download the latest version of the Woman's Club of Cranbury Bylaws here:
Bylaws as revised Sept 2014 (pdf)
DownloadThe President presides at all meetings of the Club and the Executive Board. She appoints the chairwomen of all Standing and Special Committees, except Membership and Nominating.Committees.
The First Vice President is responsible for coordinating the year’s programs and securing the locations for the general meetings in cooperation with each department. In addition, she coordinates the September luncheon, the May Annual Meeting, or any board-sponsored General meeting.
The Second Vice President is responsible for the preparation, printing, and distribution of the Club Yearbook. She will present yearbooks at the first general meeting of the year, and will distribute those not picked up to the members who were absent. She acts as assistant program chairman for the First Vice President.
The Third Vice President is the Chairwoman of the Membership Committee. She keeps the membership roster and files, a record of attendance at general meetings and the guest book. She will process membership applications and new member installations.
The Federation Secretary is in charge of Federation correspondence for the Club. She keeps the Club advised of Federation projects and activities and attends Federation meetings when possible. She arranges for Club member attendance at Federation activities.
The Recording Secretary is the custodian of all records except those specifically assigned to the custody of others. She records the minutes of the Executive Board meetings and the General Membership meetings of the Club. She will notify families of deceased members that we donate to our scholarship fund as a remembrance.
The Treasurer is custodian of all Club funds. She collects the annual dues,. She issues checks for all authorized expenditures. She presents a financial statement at each meeting of the Executive Board and at each General Meeting and prepares an itemized report of receipts and disbursements for an annual financial review. She collects and disburses to appropriate members, mail from our Post Office Box (eg; scholarship applications, membership applications, etc).
Past President
Past President
Past Trustee
* Focus Groups meeting times may vary and will be announced at General Meetings and/or in the Newsletter. Please inform the Contact Person or Co-chair if you would like to join the group or attend a meeting. Attendance is open to the General Membership.
This Committee is responsible for mass mailings and other forms of communication to all Club members at the request of the President or the Executive Board.
This committee is responsible for the development and maintenance of this website and the production of a digital and hard copy scrapbook for each Club year. Contributions of photos and material from events are provided by the Membership. Press releases and new articles are provided by the Public Relations Committee.
This Committee's purpose is to encourage new membership and retention of members in the Club. It keeps updated records of new members, resignations, Life and Honorary membership lists, deaths, and silver and golden anniversary members of the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs or GFWC. The Committee presents to the Executive Board the applications of qualified candidates, schedules new member events and serves as hostesses to greet members and guests at the General Meetings.
This committee presents a slate of candidates to the Executive Board at its March meeting for its approval and then presents the approved slate to the membership at the April General Meeting for election. In the even-numbered years, the slate includes President, First, Second and Third Vice Presidents, Federation Secretary, three Trustees, Department Chairwomen and Co-Chairwomen and Nominating Committee. In the odd-numbered years, we present candidates for Recording Secretary and Treasurer.
The Properties Committee is responsible for maintenance and care of all the Club’s belongings and takes an annual inventory.
This Committee, consisting of a Chairwoman, is responsible for all publicity and news releases of the Club. She will work with the Historian to compile a record of newspaper articles and any other published information. Current Year items are available on the Scrapbook tab.
This Committee considers applications for a scholarship to be awarded to students who will be first year undergraduates at post-secondary educational institutions. Applicants must be residents of Cranbury Township.
Our committee receives applications by April 30th for the coming academic year. We review each applicant as a committee and determine the award recipient. We notify the recipient and invite her and family members to our annual meeting where she will receive the award. We contact all other applicants and wish them well in their future educational goals.
We offer a Middle School Award to two students, both selected by the faculty.
Coordinates our Club's involvement with the NJSFWC Special State Project.
The Sunshine Committee is responsible for extending the Club’s best wishes or condolences to Club members.
The Ways and Means Committee plans fundraisers to which members, their guests and the community are invited. The proceeds benefit the Scholarship Fund, other charities and the annual Woman's Club budget.
Ways and Means Projects
The Woman’s Club of Cranbury holds an annual plant sale on the Friday before Mother’s Day for the Students at The Cranbury School. We sell potted pink and red geraniums to the students. This is a long standing tradition, over 50 years, that brings joy to the students, their moms as well as our members.
A portion of the proceeds are used to fund two awards given by the school to deserving students for their community service. This principle embodies our club mission and we hope to continue this rich
Orders must be received by April 15
2021 WCC Geranium Sale (pdf)
DownloadThere are so many ways to support our mission. Contact us to find out more about volunteer opportunities, fundraising events, and ways to get our message to your friends and family.
Click on 'JOIN US' on the menu at the top of the page.
PO Box 94, Cranbury, New Jersey 08512, United States
Copyright © 2018 Woman's Club of Cranbury - All Rights Reserved.
Webmaster: Marsha Travis mtravis1@verizon.net,
c/o Womans Club of Cranbury, P.O. Box 94, Cranbury, NJ 08512.
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